Example use case of a non-bacterial dataset
As part of the reviews received in the published paper of this pipeline, it was requested to provide an example use case of the preprocessing (this pipeline) and the assembly pipeline (MpGAP) using a non-bacterial dataset in order to demonstrate that these two pipelines are not specific to bacterial genomes.
Thus, this is what we are providing in this page. The preprocessed dataset produced here, will be the data used in the assembly pipeline as a way of showing it connection.
Get the data
We are going to analyse the dataset SRR23337893
of an Aspergillus fumigatus isolate. The pipeline is capable of automatically downloading the data from SRA, thus, we simply need to generate an input file that contains a list of SRA IDs to be analysed, in our case, only this one.
This is the only input required to run the pipeline
Preprocessing the data
Outputs will be at preprocessed_reads
nextflow run fmalmeida/ngs-preprocess \
-profile docker \
--sra_ids aspergillus_fumigatus_sra.txt \
--output ./preprocessed_reads \
--max_cpus 10 \
--max_memory 20.GB \
--lreads_min_length 750 \
--lreads_min_quality 10
The generated outputs are displayed as an example of the outputs generated by the pipeline in the outputs page.
Finally, the preprocessed reads generated in this example, are the ones that are used in the "non-bacterial" example use case displayed in the assembly pipeline, MpGAP.