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CLI usage Examples

Watch your REGEX

The pipeline does not concatenate the reads. Whenever you use a pattern such as * with unpaired reads the pipeline will process each read separately.

Illumina paired end reads.

This command will select all the read pairs that match the pattern "path-to/SRR*_{1,2}.fastq.gz" and process each pair separately.

nextflow run fmalmeida/ngs-preprocess \
  --max_cpus 3 \
  --output illumina_paired \
  --shortreads "path-to/SRR*_{1,2}.fastq.gz" \
  --shortreads_type "paired" \


Since --shortreads will always be a pattern match, example "illumina/SRR9847694_{1,2}.fastq.gz", it MUST ALWAYS be double quoted as the example below.

When using paired end reads it is required that inputs are set with the "{1,2}" pattern. For example: "SRR6307304_{1,2}.fastq". This will properly load reads "SRR6307304_1.fastq" and "SRR6307304_2.fastq"

--fastp_merge_pairs triggers the Fastp module to merge read pairs.

Illumina single end reads

This command will select all the reads that match the pattern "path-to/SRR*.fastq.gz" and process each one separately.

nextflow run fmalmeida/ngs-preprocess \
  --max_cpus 3 \
  --output illumina_single \
  --shortreads "path-to/SRR*.fastq.gz" \
  --shortreads_type "single" \
  --fastp_additional_parameters " --trim_front1 5 --trim_tail1 5 "


In this example, we pass on an additional parameter (--trim_front1 5 --trim_tail1 5) to Fastp so it trims the reads using a fixed number of bases from the head and tail of reads.

If multiple unpaired reads are given as input at once, pattern MUST be double quoted: "SRR9696*.fastq.gz"

ONT reads (fastq)

This command will select all the reads that match the pattern "path-to/SRR*.fastq.gz" and process each one separately.

nextflow run fmalmeida/ngs-preprocess \
  --max_cpus 3 \
  --output ONT \
  --nanopore_fastq "path-to/SRR*.fastq.gz" \
  --lreads_min_length 1000


The parameter --lreads_min_length applies a minimum read length threshold to filter the reads.

Pacbio raw (subreads.bam) reads

This command will select all the reads that match the pattern "path-to/m140905_*.subreads.bam" and process each one separately.

nextflow run fmalmeida/ngs-preprocess \
  --max_cpus 3 \
  --output pacbio_subreads \
  --pacbio_bam "path-to/m140905_*.subreads.bam" \
  --pacbio_get_hifi \


The parameter --pacbio_get_hifi will make the pipeline try to produce the high fidelity pacbio ccs reads.

-with-report will generate nextflow execution reports.

If multiple reads are given as input at once, pattern MUST be double quoted: "SRR9696*.fastq.gz"

Pacbio raw (legacy .bas.h5 to subreads.bam) reads

nextflow run fmalmeida/ngs-preprocess \
  --pacbio_h5 E01_1/Analysis_Results/ \
  --output E01_1/Analysis_Results/preprocessed \
  --max_cpus 3


This example refers to the SMRT Cell data files available at: The path E01_1/Analysis_Results/ is the directory where the legacy *.bas.h5 and *.bax.h5 files are located. The pipeline will load the bas files available in the directory.

Pacbio bas.h5 file and its related bax.h5 files MUST be in the same directory

Running with a nf-core interactive graphical interface

nf-core launch fmalmeida/ngs-preprocess

Running with a configuration file

nextflow run fmalmeida/ngs-preprocess -c nextflow.config