CLI usage Examples
Watch your REGEX
The pipeline does not concatenate the reads. Whenever you use a pattern such as * with unpaired reads the pipeline will process each read separately.
Illumina paired end reads.
This command will select all the read pairs that match the pattern "path-to/SRR*_{1,2}.fastq.gz" and process each pair separately.
nextflow run fmalmeida/ngs-preprocess \
--max_cpus 3 \
--output illumina_paired \
--shortreads "path-to/SRR*_{1,2}.fastq.gz" \
--shortreads_type "paired" \
Since --shortreads
will always be a pattern match, example "illumina/SRR9847694_{1,2}.fastq.gz", it MUST ALWAYS be double quoted as the example below.
When using paired end reads it is required that inputs are set with the "{1,2}" pattern. For example: "SRR6307304_{1,2}.fastq". This will properly load reads "SRR6307304_1.fastq" and "SRR6307304_2.fastq"
triggers the Fastp module to merge read pairs.
Illumina single end reads
This command will select all the reads that match the pattern "path-to/SRR*.fastq.gz" and process each one separately.
nextflow run fmalmeida/ngs-preprocess \
--max_cpus 3 \
--output illumina_single \
--shortreads "path-to/SRR*.fastq.gz" \
--shortreads_type "single" \
--fastp_additional_parameters " --trim_front1 5 --trim_tail1 5 "
In this example, we pass on an additional parameter (--trim_front1 5 --trim_tail1 5
) to Fastp so it trims the reads using a fixed number of bases from the head and tail of reads.
If multiple unpaired reads are given as input at once, pattern MUST be double quoted: "SRR9696*.fastq.gz"
ONT reads (fastq)
This command will select all the reads that match the pattern "path-to/SRR*.fastq.gz" and process each one separately.
nextflow run fmalmeida/ngs-preprocess \
--max_cpus 3 \
--output ONT \
--nanopore_fastq "path-to/SRR*.fastq.gz" \
--lreads_min_length 1000
The parameter --lreads_min_length
applies a minimum read length threshold to filter the reads.
Pacbio raw (subreads.bam) reads
This command will select all the reads that match the pattern "path-to/m140905_*.subreads.bam" and process each one separately.
nextflow run fmalmeida/ngs-preprocess \
--max_cpus 3 \
--output pacbio_subreads \
--pacbio_bam "path-to/m140905_*.subreads.bam" \
--pacbio_get_hifi \
The parameter --pacbio_get_hifi
will make the pipeline try to produce the high fidelity pacbio ccs reads.
will generate nextflow execution reports.
If multiple reads are given as input at once, pattern MUST be double quoted: "SRR9696*.fastq.gz"
Pacbio raw (legacy .bas.h5 to subreads.bam) reads
nextflow run fmalmeida/ngs-preprocess \
--pacbio_h5 E01_1/Analysis_Results/ \
--output E01_1/Analysis_Results/preprocessed \
--max_cpus 3
This example refers to the SMRT Cell data files available at: The path E01_1/Analysis_Results/
is the directory where the legacy *.bas.h5 and *.bax.h5 files are located. The pipeline will load the bas files available in the directory.
Pacbio bas.h5 file and its related bax.h5 files MUST be in the same directory