Configuration File
To download a configuration file template users just use --get_config
parameter. Using a config file your code is lot more clean and concise.
# get config
nextflow run fmalmeida/ngs-preprocess --get_config
# run with config
nextflow run fmalmeida/ngs-preprocess -c [path-to-config]
Default configuration
fmalmeida/ngs-preprocess pipeline configuration file
Maintained by Felipe Marques de Almeida
This file contains all the parameters that are required by the pipeline.
Some of them can be left in blank and other ones need a proper configuration.
Please do not change anything before the = sign. Fields must be configured
and set with values after the = sign.
Since the input file parameters will always work as a pattern match
it is required that it MUST ALWAYS be double quoted as the example below.
The pipeline will process each file that matches the pattern separately.
E.g. param1 = "my_reads/input*.fastq"
params {
// Sets output directory
output = "output"
// inputs from SRA. A file containing on SRA ID per line.
sra_ids = null
Parameters for short reads preprocessing
with fastp
shortreads = null // Path to shortreads. Examples: 'SRR6307304_{1,2}.fastq' | 'SRR7128258*'.
// Must be double quoted and paired end reads must have the pattern {1,2}.
// The pipeline will process each file that matches the pattern separately.
shortreads_type = null // Type of shortreads. Values: paired | single
fastp_average_quality = 20 // Filter reads by its average read quality (it loads the --average_qual fastp param). Default: 20.
fastp_merge_pairs = false // If true, fastp will try to merge paired end reads.
fastp_correct_pairs = false // If true, fastp will try to correct small base errors in paired end reads.
fastp_additional_parameters = null // Pass any other fastp additional parameter that you want.
// See
Optional parameter for filtering longreads from pacbio or nanopore.
This command uses nanofilt for both technologies. If you prefer to
filter reads from any technology with a different program you can
left it blank and it you not be executed.
lreads_min_quality = 5 // If blank, long reads (lreads) will not be filtered.
lreads_min_length = 500 // If blank, long reads (lreads) will not be filtered.
Parameters for nanopore ONT longreads preprocessing
nanopore_fastq = null // Path to nanopore ONT basecalled reads in fastq
nanopore_is_barcoded = false // Tells wheter or not nanopore reads are barcoded
// It will split barcodes into single files
nanopore_sequencing_summary = null // Path to nanopore 'sequencing_summary.txt'.
// Using this will make the pipeline render a
// sequencing statistics report using pycoQC.
// pycoQC reports will be saved using the
// files basename, so please, use meaningful basename,
// such as: sample1.txt, sample2.txt, etc.
Parameters for PacBio longreads preprocessing
Use bamPath or h5Path, not both.
pacbio_bam = null // Path to PacBio subreads in bam format
pacbio_h5 = null // Path to directory containing legacy *.bas.h5 data (1 per directory)
pacbio_barcodes = null // Path to xml/fasta file containing barcode information.
// It will split barcodes into single files.
pacbio_barcode_design = "same" // By default, only reads with "same" barcodes are given.
// Options: same, different, any
pacbio_get_hifi = false // Whether or not to try to compute CCS reads
// Max resource options
// Defaults only, expecting to be overwritten
max_memory = '6.GB'
max_cpus = 4
max_time = '40.h'